
8 Tips for Moving Out of College

Published on 05/30/2024

Jakhongir Kakhkhorov
Jakhongir Kakhkhorov

Published on 05/30/2024

Even if you feel like you just moved into your college dorm or apartment, it’s time to move out. The end of the semester is already stressful enough with finals, graduation, and saying goodbye, much alone packing up your entire life. However, leaving your dorm does not have to be a hassle. If you begin packing before exams and follow these recommendations for moving out of a college dorm, you’ll be done in no time with minimum stress and tiredness.

1. Make a List of Essentials

On the day you move out, you’ll need to use some items in your dorm: toiletries, a change of clothing, and your mobile charger. Begin by making a list of what you need to get ready in the morning and what you can’t live without during the day. Set these items aside from the stuff you’re packing as the move-out date approaches. You’ll be grateful in the future that your phone charger wasn’t misplaced in one of your fifteen packed boxes.

2. Start Packing Early

Do not wait until finals to begin packing, you’ll only end up feeling stressed. Studying for and taking finals is psychologically demanding, and the last thing you’ll want to do after finishing 3-5 tests is planning and packing. Take down wall hangings gradually and store any clothing or books you won’t need until next semester. Even if the only thing you do before finals is a list of what needs to be done, you can follow the directions on that list without using extra brain power that you probably don’t have. Start packing a few weeks in advance, so you have plenty of time to complete everything.

3. Get Rid of Unnecessary Stuff

When packing, look at everything you own and ask yourself if you need it. If not, get rid of it – either by donating it or selling it. It will lighten your load and make moving out easier. Then, pack everything in two categories: what you won’t need until the fall and what you’ll need over the summer. You won’t have to search through boxes of goods you don’t need to find the one thing you do. Nonessential goods can be stored until next semester, saving you time unpacking and repacking during the summer.

4. Separate your Belongings

If you share a room, there’s a high possibility some of your belongings have mixed, whether food, cooking equipment, or literature. Set aside time to divide your belongings with your roommate, even if it just means moving your things to one side of the room and theirs to the other. Following this planned organization, you will be able to pack at your leisure without worrying about stuff unintentionally winding up in someone else’s boxes.

5. Make a Checklist

Moving out can be overwhelming, so make things easier on yourself by creating a list of everything that needs to be done. This way, you can tackle each task one at a time and not feel overwhelmed.

6. Find a Good Storage Solution

If you’re moving out of college, chances are you won’t have a lot of space in your new place. To solve this problem, investigate storage solutions like renting a storage unit or using a storage service. It will allow you to keep your things safe and out of the way until you need them again.

7. Arrange for Transportation

Once you’ve packed up all your things, you’ll need to figure out how to get them to your new place. If driving, ensure your car is large enough to fit everything. If taking public transportation, research the best way to get your things there. Also, if a sibling or parent will be in the neighborhood before the end of the semester, ask them if they may drop by and pick up some items to send home.

8. Measure Space

Unless you’re moving into a furnished apartment, you’ll probably need to buy some furniture for your new place. Make a list of what you need and measure the space before you go shopping. It will help you avoid buying too much or too little furniture.

Extra Tips

Apart from the actual moving process, some things require attention and the period between college graduation and starting a new life.

  • House Location

One of the most important decisions after graduation is to find a job and settle for grown-up life. So, if you find a job in a different city or state, make housing location your top priority. Staying close to your job and other public amenities is a great strategy.

  • Budget

Think about your budget once more. Your spending will increase significantly once you move out of the dorm and into an apartment. These may be utilities, food, transportation, and household items.

Finding a roommate is an excellent solution for problems related to your budget. When starting, it is okay to cut some expenses and start saving to build a better life.

We understand that a change of this magnitude can take its toll on a person, being away from your family and friends, not seeing them enough as you want to, and getting used to a new place and people. At the end of the day, after years of shared living in the dorm or living with your family, you finally will have your privacy and a chance to discover and improve yourself.

As you can see, moving out of college can be a significant change, but it doesn’t have to be stressful. You can make the process go smoothly and end up with a place you love by focusing on these tips. You should also consider hiring a moving company to make your moving easier.

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